Welcome on a product test page. This is a short description. It should show up on the left side of the product image and below the product name.

You can change the product page template in catalog settings.

Please read this page carefully to fully understand all product page elements.

Product Price $30.00
Product Shipping
  • UPS ($15.00)

Product Description

This section is a product long description. It should appear under the attributes table or in the description tab. Before that, you should see the price, SKU and shipping options (all can be disabled). The attributes also can be disabled.

Product Page Layout

You can modify the product page and product listing layout by clicking on the admin options links located under the image.

Advanced Theme Integration Mode

Currently, [Show Catalog block] is being used on the main product listing.

If the catalog pages are not displayed correctly within your theme layout you can test a different integration method.

Click here to proceed.


ISO Certified 9001:2015 and 14001:2015.
Click here for Environmental Quality Policy


We at XTG recognize our responsibility to the local communities we serve and to the greater international environment. Integrated into our mission to exceed the expectations of customers, we are committed to:

  • Work closely with our supply chain to source and provide our customers with high quality products and services in a timely manner conforming to agreed specifications and/or purchase order requirements.
  • Provide continual mentorship and training to our employees so that they remain motivated and abreast with the developments in technology, environmental protection, and workplace safety.
  • Prevent injuries and ill health by eliminating or minimizing risks to the employees arising from our work activities. Involve the employees on matters affecting their personal health and safety.
  • Prevent and maintain a positive impact on the environment by use of R.I.S.E Reuse and Influence a Safe Environment, which embodies the reuse and recycling of materials.
  • Continually improve the performance of the integrated management system which is based on applicable international standards.
  • Comply with all applicable statutory, regulatory, and other requirements while fulfilling the above commitments.
  • Communicate this Policy to our employees, sub-contractors, visitors, and to all others as deemed necessary and/or upon request https://www.itxchange.com/global-reach/
  • Review this Policy at regular intervals to ensure it remains aligned with the organization goals and business model.

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